Friday, March 07, 2008

Lost in wonder...

This past weekend I went with a few friends to the beach
"Puerto Escondido" it is about 9 hrs away from here. I loved it. This is only the second time in my life I have been to the ocean, and it just leaves me an awe. I wish I could describe with words. So many times throughout the weekend I would just stop and stare at these waves..there were many parts where the waves were so huge that the lifeguards wouldnt let people in. It was just an awesome reminder to me of how AWESOME God He is so powerful. These waves could have taken me out in a second, but at the same time God could command these waves to stop..or rise...or to part. How amazing is that? A lot of the time I just forget to be amazed by the HUGENESS of I am so small.


Tony said...

I love that you wrote what you did about the waves & God's "bigness". I thought the same thing when we were at Daytona Beach this past January. I was reminded this weekend of God's power through the monster amount of snow that was dumped on us! :) Take care!

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Anita said...

Awww...I'm glad you were able to go!!

Love you girl!