Friday, February 22, 2008

takes my breath awake...

So I am pretty much in AWE right now. I wish I could put the amazement and joy that I am feeling into words, but it is so hard. I feel like I am falling in love with my creator all over again! It started out really last night when I watched the lunar eclipse. That is the first time I have ever seen anything like that. I feel completely like the breath has been taken right out from me. Today we watched a video by Louie Giglio, in this video he started talking about the complexities of the human body, in this video he started talking about this cell adhesive molecule called, lanimin.. I will put the link to the video on youtube, and you can watch some of it for yourself. Basically, it is a structure that holds together our cells. The most awesome thing about this is that it is in the shape of a cross. wow....just hearing that left me in awe. The cross holds all things together.

I have always been amazed by creation, every single time I look at the stars I am in awe. When it comes to how things are made, how I am made....I just can hardly even fathom it all. I am by no means in biologist, I only know just a glimpse of it all. .....and that is what amazes think that I could be in awe by what I know, yet knowing that there is so. much. more....leaves me breathless. oh wow I love the mystery of it all.

I cannot tell you how many times I have heard that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" but just putting all of this together today it and it really went to my heart
more later...i'm sleepy....


Anonymous said...

My family and I just watched a Louie Giglio movie Friday 2/6. It was so amazing and it is just amazing what God can do.

~Lyla Adamson~