Friday, January 22, 2010

"Freedom to Fall"

This past year, but especially in these past few months, God has been taking me on a journey of really showing me the depth of His love for me as my father. Since I did not grow up with an earthly father, it has been a battle for me to to really believe what God has been saying/showing to me. The truth is that no one has had a perfect earthly father, and therefore we all have things that we transfer onto our heavenly father. There are walls that have to be broken down, battles that must be defeated so we can experience that perfect way that He loves us. Believing that He knows our hearts, minds and souls from the inside out, but STILL loves us. That when He looks at us, He doesn't see any of the "gunk" that we see all to well. All He sees is BEAUTY! If we have been washed in the blood of the lamb, by grace that is all He sees. Who He created us to be. I am finding that the more I ask, the more He reveals to me. I just want to challenge anyone who has never asked the question "God how do YOU see me?" "who do YOU say that I am?" to ask Him. So much freedom is found in that. What God has been showing me lately about His love can be summed up in this quote by Hedi Baker:
"Being sons of GOD means you are released into the freedom to fail, the freedom to succeed. Do you know what that means? That means you can jump as high as you like, and you don't have to be afraid because papa will catch you" -Hedi Baker (paraphrased)
WOW!! That concept alone is a a whole paradigm shift for me.
The freedom to FAIL. I am overwhelmed with joy just thinking about it...I believe that when this concept goes deep into our souls, it will affect everything that we do. Are you walking in this type of freedom?

I want to know how high, how deep, how wide is His love!