Friday, January 08, 2010

I was made to gaze on Beauty.

I recently attended the "One Thing" conference at the International House Of Prayer in Kansas City. I love it because the name of the conference "One Thing" derives from Psalms 27:4. "One thing I desire, Lord is that I would dwell in you courts and seek your face all the days of my life"
I encourage anyone who is reading this to just stop and meditate on that verse for a minute or two.
What does it mean to "seek His face, dwell in His presence and gaze upon beauty all the days of your life." Even after going to this conference, I am not sure I have even a glimpse of what this verse means. Hunger has stirred up in my heart and I want to know what it means.
There is one thing I would say I am learning right now. To go deep, I HAVE to go low.